This is Day 8 in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. You can read Day 7’s post here.
I’m now one week into the 30 day blogging challenge. Technically I’m one day behind, but we won’t dwell on that.
If you’re just joining me now, here’s what I wrote about in the first 7 days:
Day 1
I wrote about Why I am taking part in the 30 Day Business Blogging Challenge and what I’m hoping to get out of it. So far I can see that yes, I’ve got more site visits and comments, which is a big plus.
Day 2
There are some simple security measures you can take when you set up your WordPress site. This post was all about WordPress security basics: how to keep your site safe.
Day 3
I explained How You Can Customize Your WordPress Theme in various ways, with and without writing code. I got some feedback saying that this post covered too much ground, so I may write a more specific tutorial for one theme. Ideas as to which theme to cover would be most welcome.
Day 4
This post about 10 Sources of Free Stock Photos For Your Website or Blog has been my most popular so far, judging by the number of comments. I’m glad folks found it useful. I thought a list post would be easy to write, but it actually involved quite a lot of research.
Day 5
On this day I was on the move and bemoaning the lack of free wi-fi, so wrote a little rant about Why I can’t live without free wi-fi.
Day 6
I attended a WordPress conference and couldn’t not blog about it, so here is my account of WordCamp Birmingham 2015: Day 1. This is what caused me to miss a day’s blog. I just had to socialise with the other attendees at the end of the first day!
Day 7
Yesterday I completed an epic post on WordCamp Birmingham 2015: Day 2. As you will see if you read this and the previous post, I learned a huge amount in a short space of time which I have to now take action on. I also made a number of new friends. 🙂
Thanks to everyone who’s commented so far, and if you have any suggestions on topics to write about, please let me know!
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