This is Day 19 in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. You can read Day 18’s post here.
Today I trawled the web for inspiring quotes from some big names in the web design industry. Enjoy!
As good advertising comes from the product, and good filmmaking begins with a riveting story, good web design starts with content.
Jeffrey Zeldman has been a web designer for 20 years. He founded the seminal web design site A List Apart. He runs his own studio, speaks, delivers news and podcasts.
Everyone has something to contribute to the World Wide Web. Why? Because the Web is of us. Whatever we are as humans is now manifest in the Web: Our beauty, hatred, fragility, and ferocity; our kindness, cruelty, confusion, and clarity. Our wars. Our peace.
Molly Holzschlag has been dubbed “the fairy godmother of the web”. She is a prolific author and speaker on web standards. Her personal site is at Molly.com.
The “keep it simple” principle (KIS) should be the primary goal of site design. Users are rarely on a site to enjoy the design; furthermore, in most cases they are looking for the information despite the design. Strive for simplicity instead of complexity.
–Vitaly Friedman, from 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design
Vitaly Friedman is the founder of Smashing Magazine, a leading website for web designers and developers. He writes for the site, runs workshops and is a published author.
Have the confidence to write in your own voice, to speak to your customers as you would a friend and avoid the dreaded business speak.
Rachel Andrew is a web developer and creator of the Perch CMS. She blogs and podcasts on her website at RachelAndrew.co.uk.
Don’t undervalue your work. Seek criticism, not praise. Always keep learning & don’t be a static learner: do this by reading books, magazines, blogs and by practising. Collect & share things. Teach others. Never give up. Keep practising. Again, keep practising.
– Jacob Cass, from Wildly Successful Freelance Designer Jacob Cass Shares His Insights
Jacob Cass is a multi-award winning graphic and web designer. He runs the Just Creative website where his blogs about his work are enjoyed by thousands of visitors.
If you found these quotes inspired you, please show your appreciation by leaving a comment below.
Great Job! Thank you so much for sharing this one really well defined all peaceful info regarding Web Design,I Really like it,Love it- Website builder cardiff
Hi Claire!
Thank you for this wonderful collection of inspiration. And I especially thank you for including me. I was reading the quote and thought “this is great!” and realized it was my own. I had forgotten – I really got a laugh out of that, plus it’s nice the quote gets a little more views over time, so thank you. The collection itself is a great idea, and I love it all. Well done 🙂
Thanks Molly! Really glad you stopped by to comment.
Seems like I should do another inspiration round-up post. 🙂
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